N.E. Sung | 14 Articles |
The accumulation of cholesterol in body has recently been known as one of the risk factor for hypertension, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease, so we have been concerned with cholesterol content of foods and dietary intake of cholesterol. Accordingly, cholesterol amound taken by the Korean has investigated and the results are summarized as follows; 1. The annual research data shows that daily cholesterol intake of Korean has increased by the improvement of economic condition. 2. In the daily cholesterol intake amount by a person, the urban district was higher than the rural district. 3. It will be very possible that the amount of cholesterol taken per day is more than 300mg due to improvement of economic condition within a few years.
In cholestatic rats, effects of phenobarbital or cholic acid on hepatic microsomal cytochrome p-450 and b5 were investigated. The total contents of both cytochrome p-450 and cytochrome b5 were decreased after bile duct ligation and the administration of estradiol. When cholic acid or phenobarbital was adminstrated in cholestatic rats, the decrease of cytochrome p-450 was prevented. The effects of cholic acid or phenobarbital on both ring-hydroxylation and N-hydroxylation of AAF in cholestatic rat hepatic microsomal fraction were studied. N-hydroxylation of AAF in bile duct ligated rat liver microsomes was reduced by 34%, but ring-hydroxylation was increased by 51%. In estradiol administrated rat, both ring-hydroxylation and N-hydroxylation of AAD was increased by 20 to 25%. In cholic acid administration, both ring-hydroxylation and N-hydroxylation was increased by about 10%. N-hydroxylation of AAF in phenobarbital treated rats was reduced more than ring-hydroxylation was reduced compared to the bile duct ligated group. Estradiol treated group which administrated with cholic acid or phenobarbital exhibited inhibited effects of N-hydroxylation.
The levels of hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 in preimplantation rats were determined 1) The activities of the hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 associated with the events leading to implantation were gradually increased in preimplantation rats. 2) The level of the hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 was peak, 2.65 nmoles/mg protein, on day 4 in normal preimplantation rat. 3) The activity of the hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 was decreased in ovariectomized rat than normal rat. 4) The hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 level in ovariectomized rat was peak, 2.39 nmoles/mg protein, on day 5. 5) We observed the fact thar the activity of microsomal P-450 was delayed in ovariectomized rat. 6) We confirmed the fact that the hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 level was affected by steroid hormone.
This study was designed to determine and report the the protein contents in Korean industrial food eaten in our daily lives. Samples were industrial foods of cereals, legumes, meats, milk, fishes, shellfishes, vegetables, and fruits. The protein contents were determined by micro-kjeldahl method. 1) The content of protein was generally higher in the industrial foods than in the natual foods. 2) The contents of protein in the natural legumes were high compared with that of the industrial foods of meats, milk, fishes and shellfishes. 3) The amount of protein in the industrial foods of vegetables and fruits was very low compared with that of industrial foods of meats, milk, fishes and shellfishes.
Cytochrome P-450 is sometimes called the microsomal carbon monoxide-binding pigment. It is present in the microsomal fraction of several animal tissues, and also in the mitochondrial fraction of adrenal cortex, but not in the mitochondria of other tissues. Cytochrome P-450, the liver microsomal drugmetabolizing enzyme is membranebound and fraction as multicomponent electron transport system for the metabolism of a variety of endogenous substrates(such as steroids, fatty acids, and bile acids) and exogenous substance (such as drugs, carcinogens, insecticides, and many other foreign compounds). The effect estrous cycle and preimplantation on the levels of hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 in mice were determined. In effect of estrous cycle on microsomal cytochrome P-450 level, the most increment was at estrus. The content of cytochrome P-450 was increased significantly at pregnant Day 3 of preimplantation.
Cytochrome P-450 is a terminal oxidase of the hepatic microsomal monooxygenase system associated with the oxidative biotransformation of a varity of lipophilic endogenous and exogenous compounds, and generally is assayed by CO-binding spectro-photometry of dithionite-reduced samples. In well fed normal male rats with or without stress condition, the dffect of antiulcer drug; cimetidine, sulpiride and diazepam on the level of microsomal cytochrome P-450 were determined. Only stress condition produced on significant effect in cytochrome P-450 contents. Administration of cimetidine, sulpiride and diazepam in this condition caused a 44.1%~87.5% increment in cytochrome P-450, diazepam produced the most increase. After diazepam treatment of rats, the peak position of cytochrome P-450 shifted to a longer wave length of 452 nm.
Sodium and potassium are important cations essential to higher animals which regulate the composition of their body fluids. They participate in muscle contraction, stimualtion of nerve, maintenance of osmotic prossure, water metabolism, and maintenance of acid-base balance in blood. This study was designed to determine and report the sodium and potassium contents in Korean foods eaten in our daily lives and to give a help to the diet pattern of the patients who need low-sodium diet. Samples were cereals, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. They were obtained in the open market at the day experimented and the sodium and potassium contents of them were determined with flame photometer(Coleman Model 51).
Rats being fed with 1% Viscaceae powder containing diet for 10 weeks, total cholesterol in serum and liver tissue decreased by 17% and neutral fat decreased by 10%. And also, hepatic HMG-CoA reductase activity had a tendency to decrease by 43% in the 1% Viscaceae fed group. In saponin fraction of Viscaceae fed group and in alkaloidal fraction of Viscaceae fed group, it had a tendency to decrease by 65%, and 86% expectively.
Total phytosterol contents were determined in cereals, fruits, and vegetables which can be easily obtained in the open market of Korea.
The total cholesterol contents of meats, harms, and sausages, which are often eaten at our daily lives, were determined. And the cholesterol content in the differently prepared chicken was determined.
A study to determine the physical development and nutritional status of the 2,170 women entering Ewha Womans University in 1978 was undertaken in order to contribute basic data needed for planning nutritional education. Data gathered during the entrance physical examination included measurements of physical growth and skinfold thickness and information on the consumption of protein, fat and carbohydrates. Findings are summarized: 1. More than half the students were 19 years old (57.7%), 28.1% were 18 or younger, 14.2% were 20 or order. 2. Most students reported they had been breast fed(78.0%). Weaning took place between 6 to 8 months for 31.9% of the group, and between 12 and 17 months for 21.2% 3. Height and weight did not vary for the 18 to 21 year group according to age, Height ranged from 156.3±4.3 to 158.7±4.8cm and weight ranged from 50.5±6.1 to 52.0±5.9kg. 4. Abdominal skinfold thickness for the 18 to 21 year old group ranged from 17.9±6.2 to 18.7±6.2mm; lumbar thickness ranged from 16.4±7.1 to 17.8±7.4mm; upper arm from 19.5±6.3 to 20.9±4.8mm; back ranged from 16.8±6.1 to 18.4±6.3mm. Mean skinfold thickness ranged from 17.6±5.0 to 18.8±5.0mm. 5. Total fat content in proportion to body weight ranged from 24.0 to 25.0% for 14.0% of the total group. This entering class of students showed a relatively high fat content, over 24.0% for 76.3% of the group. 6. In daily nutrients intake daily protein intake per student ranged from 45 to 99g for 88.1% of the group, fat from 11 to 39g for 61.4% and carbohydrates 151 to 299g for 62.8%.
The content of Vitamin B12 in various sea products common in Korea were evaluated by microbiological assay method using Lactobacilli leichmannii. The results and discussion are presented.
Rat were fed with diets containing 1%, 2%, 5%, and 10% Viscaceae powder respectively for 8 weeks. The following results were obtained. 1) In the group of 1% diet, the fat contents of serum and liver decreased, but in the other groups increased. 2) Viscaceae has a tendency to effect on the prequancy and the growth of fetus.
Total cholesterol content of fishes and shellfishes, which bought in the local market, was estimated in part (head, muscle, skin, egg, and roe). and also, the general analytical data(water, protein, fat, and ash) were examined in the parts. The results of cholesterol content are as follows; 1) In the fresh water fishes, the cholesterol content was highest in trout and watereel. 2) In the marine fishes, it was high in makerel, Spanish makerel, horse makerel, and hickory sard and low in sea-cucumber and thormbock stingray. 3) Cholesterol content of the parts in both fresh water fishes and marine fishes was highest in roe, and the next egg, skin, head, and muscle in the ordet named. 4) Cholesterol content of the shell fishes was 100mg~200mg/100g. 5) Generally, the cholesterol content also was high in the sample that fat content was high.