During the past decade, rates of
In the past decade, vocal fold injection (VFI) has re-emerged as a valuable treatment modality for a variety of laryngeal disorders. It offers many advantages for the treatment of glottal insufficiency. It can avoid surgical scar and is easily performed with local anesthesia. In this article, we describe the indication of injection laryngoplasty, variable injection materials and discuss about vocal fold injection approaches.
Hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery had both technical advantages of open surgery and better postoperative short-term follow-up results of laparoscopic surgery. We compared open colectomy, laparoscopic colectomy and hand-assisted laparoscopic colectomy, and tried to find the most effective operative modality.
90 patients, who were diagnosed with colorectal cancer and underwent colectomy in our institution, were categorized as 3 groups of open colectomy (OC) group, laparoscopic colectomy (LC) group and hand-assisted laparoscopic colectomy (HALC) group by the surgical modality.
In this study, ratio of male and female was 57 : 37, and mean age was 64.1 years old. LC group and HALC group showed longer operation time, shorter hospital stay after operation, lesser pain and earlier removal of closed drainage catheter than OC group. Amount of bleeding during operation, frequency of transfusion and incidence of complication showed no significant difference. In permanent pathologic results, the number of harvested lymph nodes had significant difference between OC group and other groups (P=0.030), but it was probably caused by the bias of the different distribution of the stages in each group. Overall 14 of the cases resulted in complications while there was no mortality.
Laparoscopic colectomy and hand-assisted laparoscopic colectomy showed better short-term follow-up results rather than open colectomy. And hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery could provide tactile sensation to operator, which lacked in laparoscopic surgery. Hand-assisted laparoscopic colectomy could be an alternative surgical option for colorectal cancer with these advantages.
Insulin resistance is a major pathophysiology in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and assessment of insulin sensitivity is important. Various insulin sensitivity indices from fasting state or oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) have been compared with euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp. We aimed to evaluate the usefulness of these indices in young Korean women with PCOS.
Euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp test and 75 g OGTT were performed in 290 women with PCOS. Insulin mediated glucose uptake (IMGU), the insulin sensitivity index from clamp, was compared with various insulin sensitivity indices such as composite insulin sensitivity index (ISIcomp), estimated metabolic clearance rate (MCRest) of glucose and estimated insulin sensitivity index (ISIest), area under the curve of glucose and insulin ratio (AUC-GIR), OGTT-derived Belfiore index, and oral glucose insulin sensitivity index (OGSI) by Kazama. Fasting state indices such as glucose insulin ratio (GIR), homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), fasting Belfiore index, and quantitative insulin sensitivity check index (QUICKI) were also compared with IMGU.
The correlation coefficients of ISIcomp, MCRest, ISIest, AUC-GIR, OGTT-Belfiore index, and OGSI with IMGU were all about 0.5 (Ps'<0.001) in PCOS women as a whole. The MCRest and ISIest were significantly correlated with IMGU in both obese (r=0.58 and 0.58, P<0.0001) and non-obese subjects (r=0.33 and 0.32, P<0.001). Fasting glucose and insulin-derived indices showed worse correlation with IMGU than OGTT-derived ones.
The MCRest and ISIest from OGTT might be the best replacement for the insulin sensitivity index from hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp independent of obesity.
Androgen plays an important role in female sexual function, and its insufficiency causes a clinically significant sexual dysfunction. This study examines the association between sex hormones and the clinical effect of testosterone replacement therapy in female sexual dysfunction.
This study examined 75 female patients who visited our hospital from March 2002 to June 2008 to treat sexual dysfunction. For the rest of the patients, we performed primary treatment and physiotherapy in accordance with the main cause of their sexual dysfunction. We also performed combination treatment of androgen replacement therapy for the patients who did not make medical progress after two months of primary treatment and for the patients whose free testosterone level is in the bottom group out of three normal range groups.
The mean age of target patients was 39.6±8.7 years (range, 35~66 years) old. 10 patients out of 75 patients were postmenopausal women, and estrogen replacement therapy had been performed without androgen replacement therapy. We performed a combination treatment of androgen replacement therapy for the patients with sexual desire disorder, and 60% of them answered that they had an increased sexual response after they were given combination treatment of androgen replacement therapy.
The results support the concepts that sex hormones significantly affect sexual response in women with sexual dysfunction. Clinically, it is effective and safe to perform a combination treatment of androgen replacement therapy in treating sexual dysfunction if medication is administered properly and carefully.
The Korean version of Bowel disease questionnaire (BDQ-K) was developed to evaluate the symptom items required to meet the definition of functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs). We evaluated the test-retest reliability and validity of the self-reported BDQ-K and prevalence of functional dyspepsia (FD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) according to the Rome-III criteria.
Sixty-nine patients participated in the test-retest reliability study, with a two week interval, and another 74 patients were enrolled to assess the self-reported questionnaire versus a doctor's interview (concurrent validity). A total of 3,325 subjects (mean age, 44±9 yrs; 58.3% male) presenting for an upper endoscopy responded to the BDQ-K at a health promotion center, but 797 subjects with organic diseases were excluded.
In the validity study of the BDQ-K, the median kappa value was 0.74 (0.36~1.0). The median kappa value for the test-retest was 0.56 (range 0.22~1.0), including abdominal pain (κ=0.51, P<0.001), pain onset before 6 months (κ=0.51, P<0.001), epigastric pain (κ=0.69, P<0.001), early satiety (κ=0.40, P<0.001), and postprandial fullness (κ=0.34, P<0.001). The prevalence of FD was 8.3% (209/2,528); epigastric pain more than once a week 4.4%, early satiety 2.5%, and postprandial fullness 6.1%. FD was more prevalent in women (P=0.001). The prevalence of IBS was 6.1% and IBS also predominated in women (7.1% vs 5.1% in men, P=0.032).
The BDQ-K is a reliable and valid instrument for identifying FGIDs. The prevalence of FD according to the Rome III criteria was 8.3% and that of IBS was 6.1%.
A gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) is the most common mesenchymal tumor of the gastrointestinal tract and expresses CD117, a c-kit proto-oncogene, which can be detected immunohistochemically. We reported a GIST of the rectum of a 61-year-old-woman who had visited emergency room complaining of constipation over one week. Upon rectal examination, a round hard mass was palpated. Colonoscopy showed a 7×5 cm sized protruded lesion with surface ulceration on a rectum, adjacent the anus. And abdomen computed tomography revealed the soft tissue mass compressing anterolateral wall of the rectum and these findings suggest possibility of rectal submucosal tumor such as GIST. The patient had been treated with a ultra anorectal anastomosis with loop ileostomy. Immunohistochemical studies on the surgically resected specimen showed c-kit (+) and CD34 (+). The final diagnosis was a GIST of the rectum. She was grouped into high risk and she has been given adjuvant chemotherapy with Imatinib.
Hyperlipidemia can be a cause of acute pancreatitis. For example, dyslipidemia classified Fredrickson/WHO classification type I, V can induce acute pancreatitis spontaneously. Secondary hyperlipidemia (DM, alcohol, estrogen, etc.) also can induce acute pancreatitis. High serum amylase level and triglyceride level are hall markers of diagnosis. But lactescent serum interferes with accurate laboratory analysis of amylase. Serum amylase was normal or low in 50% of cases. Clinical course and treatment are similar with other causes of acute pancreatitis. Lipoprotein electrophoresis helps classify dyslipidemia by Fredrickson/WHO classification. In some cases, to prevent hyperlipidemic pancreatitis, serum triglyceride should be lower than 500 mg/dl. We report two cases of acute pancreatitis caused by dyslipidemia.
The causes of pyogenic liver abscess has been known as biliary tract disease or intrabadominal infection but the large proportions of the patients has no apparent underlying disorders. Recently colonic mucosal lesions were reported in patients with cryptogenic liver abscess and it has been suggested that colonic mucosal break may play a role in developing liver abscess in otherwise healthy patients. We experienced a patient of severe recurrent liver abscess complicated with endophthalmitis only 3 months after successful treatment of initial cryptogenic liver abscess and a polypoid colon cancer was discovered by chance. It seems prudent to proceed colonoscopic examination in patients with cryptogenic liver abscess especially when it is recurrent.