The rate of colorectal cancer (CRC) has altered. Early-onset CRC patients are increasing, and it is one of the main causes of cancer-related death. Based on epidemiologic change, the CRC screening program needs to be changed. To increase compliance, non-invasive screening techniques are developed. Although CRC survival has increased, the oncologic prognosis of metastatic CRC is remains poor. Even in metastatic CRC, which is the most difficult to treat, attempts are being made to increase the survival rate by active surgical therapy with the creation of chemotherapeutic regimens and targeted treatment based on genomic information. Due to the introduction of aggressive chemotherapy regimens, targeted therapy based on genomic features, and improvements in surgical technique, the role of surgical treatment in metastatic CRC has expanded. Metastatic CRC surgery was indicated for liver, lung, and even peritoneal seeding. Local ablation therapy was also effectively used for liver and lung metastasis. Cytoreductive surgery and intraperitoneal chemotherapy were tried for peritoneal seeding and demonstrated good results in a subgroup of patients, although the right indication was carefully assessed. At the same time, one of the key goals of treatment for CRC was to maintain functional outcomes. Neoadjuvant treatment, in particular, helped rectal cancer patients preserve functional results while maintaining oncologic safety. Rectal cancer organ preservation techniques are now being researched heavily in a variety of neoadjuvant treatment settings, including immunotherapy and whole neoadjuvant therapy. Precision medicine based on patient and disease characteristics is currently being used for the diagnosis and treatment of CRC.
Fecal incontinence (FI) is recurrent uncontrolled passage of fecal material in patients. The life expectancy of humans has increased. Elderly patients have a significant rate of FI. Therefore, the number of patients with FI will increase. For diagnosis of FI, the digital rectal exam, ultrasonography, and anal manometry are used. In addition, the severity of FI can be assessed using the FI score system by examining symptoms. Recent applications include three-dimensional ultrasonography and other novel approaches. The treatments for FI include biofeedback therapy, anal implant, artificial sphincter, nerve modulation, SECCA, stem cell therapy, and surgical intervention. Biofeedback therapy is a noninvasive procedure. Anal implant, stem cell therapy, and SECCA are all minimally invasive treatments. And more methods constitute intrusive treatment. None of these therapies has been conclusively demonstrated to be superior. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, a non-invasive approach or an intrusive treatment is most frequently employed. In this review, I will discuss the diagnosis and treatment options for FI.
Minimally invasive surgery for colorectal disease has now become the standard treatment in Republic of Korea. However, there are limitations to the laparoscopic approach, such as an unstable camera support, a limited range of motion, and poor ergonomics. Recent advances in technology have led to the introduction of robotic surgical systems in colorectal surgery to overcome these shortcomings. Robot-assisted colorectal surgery has clear advantages in many aspects. Surgery involving the rectum benefits the most among colorectal diseases owing to technical difficulties in rectum dissection. The concept of robotic surgery is not different from laparoscopic surgery in that it is a minimally invasive surgery, and abundant research demonstrates comparable results from both modalities for postoperative complications, oncological outcomes, and functional outcomes. However, the cost of robot-assisted surgery limits surgeons to performing robotic surgeries in only selected cases. Improvements regarding cost-effectiveness and more convincing studies that support benefits of robotic surgery are needed to popularize robot-assisted colorectal surgery.
Hemorrhoids are varicose veins of the rectum that are located in or near the anal canal and are covered by mucosa. They can occur at any age, are generally symptomless, and affect both sexes equally. Hemorrhoids are a common complaint among younger women and are more likely to occur during pregnancy and the menstrual cycle. In this article, we discuss the many approaches in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Laxatives, stool softeners, and fiber supplements are all considered safe for use by pregnant women. Moderate use of laxatives is also acceptable. Since there is a lack of sufficient evidence to support the safety and efficiency of topical medicines or oral phlebotomies during pregnancy, these treatments must to be utilized with an increased degree of extreme caution. In the case that considerable bleeding occurs, anal packing may be a straight forward and helpful operation to implement. A hemorhoidectomy is the treatment option for hemorrhoids that have become strangulated, badly thrombosed, or have bleeding that cannot be controlled.
Low anterior resection syndrome (LARS) is a condition of anorectal dysfunction that occurs frequently following anal sphincter-preserving surgery for rectal cancer and can reduce the quality of life. In this review, we summarize the main symptoms and pathophysiology of this syndrome and discuss the treatment approaches. Early evaluation and initiation of appropriate treatment postoperatively are crucial. The most frequently used tool to evaluate the severity of LARS is the LARS score, and an anorectal manometer is used for objective evaluation. LARS is believed to be caused by multiple factors, and some of its causes include direct structural damage to the anal sphincter, damage to the innervation, loss of rectoanal inhibitory reflex, and decreased rectal volume and compliance. Diet modifications, medications, pelvic floor muscle training and biofeedback are the primary treatments, and rectal irrigation can be added as a secondary treatment. If LARS symptoms persist even after 1 to 2 years and significantly reduce the quality of life, antegrade irrigation, sacral nerve stimulation or definitive stoma may be considered. High-quality evidence-based studies on LARS treatment are lacking, and randomized controlled trials aimed at developing severity-based treatment algorithms are needed.
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a cluster of metabolic abnormalities that include hypertension, altered glucose metabolism, dyslipidemia, and abdominal obesity and is strongly associated with an increased risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease onset in obese adults and children. A progressively greater number of children and adolescents are being affected by this syndrome due to the constant increase in the prevalence of obesity. Like obesity, childhood MetS highly tracks to adulthood. The pathogenesis of MetS includes the interaction between obesity, insulin resistance, and inflammation. Early diagnosis and intervention are important in order to conduct lifestyle modification. In this article, we review the definition and pathophysiology of MetS, the importance of screening, and prevention and treatment options for MetS in childhood.
To conduct a comparative study of children’s health in South Korea versus North Korea focusing on air pollution.
We used annual mortality rate, prevalence, and environmental indicators data from the World Bank and World Health Organizations (WHO). Trend analysis of the two Koreas was conducted to evaluate changes in health status over time. Spearman’s correlation analysis was used to find out the correlation between environmental indicators and children’s health status.
We found a distinct gap in children’s health status between the two Koreas. While North Korea reported a higher death rate of children than South Korea, both showed a decreasing trend with the gap narrowing from 2000 to 2017. The prevalence of overweight and obesity increased and that of thinness decreased in both Koreas. Except PM2.5 exposure, South Korea reported higher figures in most indicators of air pollutant emissions (South Korea, mean (SD)=28.3 (2.0); North Korea, mean (SD)=36.5 (2.8), P-value=0.002).
This study empirically discovered the gaps and patterns of children’s health between South Korea and North Korea. North Korean children experienced more severe health outcomes than children in South Korea. These findings imply that epigenetic modification caused by environmental stressors affect children’s health in the two Koreas despite similar genetic characteristics. Considering the gaps in children’s health between the two Koreas, more attention and resources need to be directed towards North Korea because the necessary commodities and services to improve children’s health are lacking in North Korea.
Extramammary Paget’s Disease (EMPD) is a rare intraepithelial malignancy of apocrine bearing glands, which occur usually in the perianal region, vulva, scrotum, penis and ax-illa. Most of the disease are treated by surgical resection and the prognosis is generally good. Even though recurrent disease, it is usually slowly progressed with good prognosis. Here we describe the case of a 70-year-old male who has presented with initially just as an EMPD component of squamous cell carcinoma in inguinal skin, but he showed recur-rence of EMPD. The disease has progressed rapidly, finally he died of that EMPD in 2 months of recurrence. The purpose of this study is to report the rare case of fulminant disease course of EMPD after recurrence.
A 25-year-old female visited the clinic with abdominal pain and poor oral intake. She was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease and had a history of using infliximab for 4 years. She had no previous operative history. Magnetic resonance enterography demonstrated the progression of a penetrating complication that involved the distal ileum and complex entero-enteric fistula between the terminal ileum and sigmoid colon. Surgery was conducted using the da Vinci SP surgical system. In the operative field, severe adhesion was observed between the terminal ileum, adjacent ileum, cecum, and the sigmoid colon. After adhesiolysis of the small bowel and right colon was performed, the fistula tract between the sigmoid colon and terminal ileum was identified and resected. Then, simultaneous ileocecectomy and anterior resection was performed. The operation was completed without any intraoperative complications and patient’s recovery was uneventful. She was discharged postoperatively, after 8 days.
Variant angina, which is associated with coronary artery spam, is difficult to recognize on routine preoperative evaluation. Coronary spasm results in myocardial ischemia and even lethal arrhythmia in severe cases. Since patients are unconscious and cannot complain of symptoms during general anesthesia, early detection of such an event is difficult, and it could lead to severe bradycardia or cardiac arrest. We report a case of a patient with previously undiagnosed variant angina who experienced severe hypotension and ventricular fibrillation during general anesthesia.
In response to the changes in the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic situation, Ewha Womans University established Ewha Safe Campus (ESC), an on-campus infection outbreak management system, to allow students and faculty members to safely resume face-to face classes in 2022. The COVID-19 testing station, Ewha Safe Station, is the core element of ESC. Symptomatic students and faculty members perform a combo swab self-PCR test or receive a nasopharyngeal swab PCR test from experts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 through early detection and management. ESC is significant in that it detects infection risks and proactively implements preemptive measures in a university. The COVID-19 health response system model at the university level was applied for the first time in South Korea, reaching a milestone in the history of university health in South Korea. In particular, it is highly valuable that the test was free of charge, as it enabled all of the examinees to have easy access to the test through joint cooperation with the Seegene Medical Foundation. This is a successful example of cooperation between schools and private institutions for public health improvement. In the future, the direct and indirect effects of the establishment and implementation of ESC need to be evaluated and confirmed, and areas requiring improvements need to be identified in preparation for another infectious disease outbreak in the future.